presented by the cascade rodeo association
The Cascade Rodeo Association is a nonprofit organization, promoting the western lifestyle while emphasizing rodeo at all levels, local youth development, community spirit and the cowboy way.
cascade PRO rodeo august 8-9 2025

Friday - Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night
Mutton Bustin' (Sign-Up TBD)
First Go - 7 p.m.
Calf Dressing
WPRA Slack
Street Dance (Live Music by The Trent
Brooks Band)
*Tough Enough to Wear Pink Tickets*
Package Includes:
Gate Entry & TETWP SWAG
Free Pink Beer & Wine (Until Gone)
Seats in Pink Bleacher Section

Saturday - Military Appreciation Night
PRCA Slack - 9 a.m.
Community Center Breakfast - 9-11:30 a.m.
Town of Cascade Parade - Noon
Cascade Town BBQ - 1-4 p.m
Mutton Bustin' (Sign-Up TBD)
Final Round - 7 p.m.
Street Dance (Live Music by The Trent Brooks Band)
Join us
Tickets can be purchased online, at local vendors, or at the event.
our Partners
The Cascade Rodeo Association would like to thank our many partners. Our rodeo would not be possible without their support!